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not knowing, not thinking…on the natural space radio show + sounds

May 5, 2014 - 5:05 pm

(paintings by Agnes Martin)





After hearing lectures by the Zen Buddhist scholar D. T. Suzuki at Columbia, Agnes Martin became interested in Asian thought, not as a religious discipline, but as a code of ethics, a practical how-to for getting through life. Her work is most closely associated with Taos, New Mexico, although she moved to New York City after being discovered by the artist/gallery owner Betty Parsons in 1957. That year, she settled in Coenties Slip in lower Manhattan, where her friends and neighbors, several of whom were also affiliated with Parsons, included Robert Indiana,  Ellsworth Kelly, and Jack Youngerman.Barnett Newman actively promoted Martin’s work, and even helped install Martin’s exhibitions in the late 1950s at Betty Parsons Gallery.Another close friend and mentor was Ad Reinhardt.In 1961, Martin contributed a brief introduction to a brochure for her friend Lenore Tawney’s first solo exhibition, the only occasion on which she wrote on the work of a fellow artist.[8] In 1967, Reinhardt died and the studio at Coenties Slip was slated for demolition. After Martin left New York and moved to Cuba, New Mexico, she did not paint for seven years and consciously distanced herself from the social life and social events that brought other artists into the public eye. In 1974, she collaborated with architect Bill Katz on a log cabin she would use as her studio.


CLICK HERE:  agnes martin AND HERE:


and one of my favorite teachers Elizabeth on “not knowing”— she is a delight… Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel on her book— The Power of an Open Question.




Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel has studied and practiced the Buddhadharma for 30 years under the guidance of her teacher and husband, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. After meeting Rinpoche in Nepal, she became his first Western student. She has been intimately involved with Rinpoche’s work in bringing Buddhist wisdom to the West, in particular to the development of Mangala Shri Bhuti, an organization dedicated to the study and practice of the Longchen Nyingthik lineage.

Elizabeth has an academic backround in both Anthropology and Buddhist Studies, but her learning is also grounded in practice. After many years of solitary retreat, Rinpoche appointed Elizabeth as Retreat Master at Longchen Jigme Samten Ling, Mangala Shri Bhuti’s retreat center in southern Colorado. Elizabeth is the author of The Power of an Open Question: The Buddha’s Path to Freedom

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