March 29, 2014 - 9:47 pm

The film opens with a quote from Céline‘s Journey to the End of the Night: “To travel is very useful, it makes the imagination work, the rest is just delusion and pain. Our journey is entirely imaginary, which is its strength.” from the daily telegraph— “a shimmering coup de cinema”. each scene is a photograph…i couldn’t stop taking iPhone photos sitting in the movie! i was constantly engaging with the film’s beautiful images and emotions…i loved the whole experience! the soundtrack was also perfect… oh and labradors are NOT DUMB…i am sorry…i loved this picture…and he was an imperfect character…just like all of us.
May 3, 2011 - 4:28 pm
plastic is here to stay… up until now!
BE creative… create and demand altenatives

April 30, 2011 - 11:55 pm

is a lovely thing! i sat down in the one sunny warm spot in point reyes station and found myself exhaling finally… relaxing against the creamy white tongue and groove building wall… i looked up to see these glorious blossoms wishing me a happy morning!
- 5:35 pm
i designed our (reclaimed fabric) stretchy-denim halter-tunic, the latest download from the natural space… this is only a peek… i am wearing it as a bikini cover-up here… i think the halter tunic has great potential HOWEVER….and will look very HOT— with black, white, dark euro-navy leggings or denim-like leggings!?? steve sewed the prototype for me and added his own creative expression in the form of edging on the halter top…it will be “fraying” at the edges a bit…wondering if this is a good idea? our collaboration is interesting as always…and i am checking out the wear and tear and washability… it may infact be ingenius…and trendy??
…going with the flow and being pleasantly surprised, maintaining curiosity…and LOVE.
i am very excited about this top. it is extremely comfortable with same stretchy denim built-in bra/shelf. you will feel free! —and feel good about your creative and upcycled wardrobe!
order one here:
April 29, 2011 - 7:06 pm

found these in my piles of photos on my computer today…they spoke to me….the fluid nature of california in the shapes of the landscape.
the layers… the textures. the sensuous
t h e u n d u l a t i n g h i l l s of w e s t m a r i n…
February 22, 2011 - 9:39 pm

madrone, a true light-worker in the winter on the ridge…
February 21, 2011 - 8:16 pm

peace on earth.
decomposed granite, pacific plate, inverness, california.
September 20, 2010 - 9:19 am

…just need to clarify…
(these 4 beginning words i was given as a thread to continue in our writing group)
…just need to clarify…
i don’t like this pen w/this paper—-the pen needs smooth paper to roll along and purr with insight—-now this paper doesn’t allow things to roll along…which pen, which paper?
which pen?
my relationship with me
my relationship with him
his relationship with himself.
his relationship with himself—
this interests me.
i saw this piece today under the canopy of madrone and oaks still thriving on the south-facing slopes. ?he showed me this piece—that part of him that is dormant—?i hope
dormant—there is possibility—a thaw could happen, some energy could move again—this is possible. ?but he seems dormant. i feel it and i am frozen for a moment in reality as i decide to know this piece in this man.
he might press me back into my bones
he might lie on top of me and press my body gently back into the earth again
as shooting stars connect all the cosmos… we sparkle in acceptance and yet know
the truth is overbearing and not enough. ?not enough to see ?not enough to know. he isn’t, i’m not—-but really i am and so is he—-but not in this time or place—-maybe somewhere else ?on a mountain ?at the top
June 27, 2010 - 9:44 pm
befriend the mystery…
May 24, 2010 - 10:33 pm
walking the hills
two douglas fir in the early morning summer fog
if you find yourself wandering a down slope of madrone and oaks on a hot summer day— you might get to witness the spontaneous combustion-like moment of the madrones “peeling”! it is amazing!!!
i heard it— then saw it! i witnessed…
spirit rock meditation center:
May 21, 2010 - 8:52 pm
she is taking up all the space isnt’t she…it is the natural space…why not. enjoy her expansive grounding nature… the tatoos?….
this mama madrone is loving them anyway.
- 8:38 pm
fennel in bo— number one
fennel in bo series at serpentine in dogpatch 2008.
May 17, 2010 - 9:02 pm
faded denim is a favorite for summer time
euro navy denim
sewing/reading studio
everything about the el bag is found, reused, recycled.
to purchase an el bag— call:415.577.1052
oror email:
- 8:28 pm
warm grey oh so delightful tweed upholstery scrap with selvedge fabulousness…this is my fave so far….perf!!
everything about the el bag is found, reused, recycled.
to purchase an el bag call 415.577.1052
or email:
March 23, 2010 - 9:27 pm
she is perfect. she rocks it. she is the web 2.0 goddess!
finding, sharing beauty and her truth with all of us. web 2.0 can be such a healing we all are participating in! i love this interconnectivity— i feel more connected… with all of you. i just feel at home, a casa. yes si, gracias. what a trip. i love this beauty. besides being the most beautiful, minmalist blog lolita is inspiring through found photos, stories, fashion introducing amazing photographers on her blog and -sometimes(?)- she uncovers some gorgeous super fab outrageous photographs that come from somewhere like narnia(on the internet)and land in her blog here for us! totally amazing. wow. thanks for sharing lolita!! you are so healing, i love you!
kate in her amazingness…boho moment
January 2, 2010 - 6:55 pm
bishop pines yosemite west 1.1.2010
being with the old today. and slowly integrating the new…
as a four (on the enneagram) i love the old, rustic or primitive…the melancholy of dust, lust, memories. what number are you?:
December 27, 2009 - 1:45 pm
unfortunately i had to crop this image so this web version does not exactly represent her work, however you probably get the idea…fabulous…i especially love (am seriously blown away by) her “bark” series (this photo(originally):Madrone 2007 #29)— see marna clarke’s beautiful work in january at the bolinas museum:
December 18, 2009 - 12:51 am
my current bedroom/studio in west marin with my photos adorning the walls… for this photo shoot i was playing with groups of photos…i love them in groups. and they change groups. these two photos were taken on a beach on the big island of hawaii, barely a crescent moon of sand— surrounded, nearly enveloped by these wild elongated trees and huge branches. (big island spirits: left photo: beach hwy pole 69.1, right photo: beach hwy. pole 69.2)(the hawaiian tree spirits are very present in both of these photographs and you can actually see them on the large prints!
LARGE PRINTS (of many of my photographs— which i will continue to post on this blog over the next few posts) ARE FOR SALE NOW (27×35): prices range from: $300-600. smaller sizes and custom prints available. please email to order now. i feel these photographs of nature heal people and spaces. yes. you may deepen your connection to nature through these images. these gorgeous white velvet, watercolor paper prints will fill any space with love! they also ground a room with their earthy nature. how rare it can be to feel comfortable and near the earth— inside a space.
December 17, 2009 - 11:36 pm
LARGE PRINTS (of many of my photographs— which i will continue to post on this blog the next few posts) ARE FOR SALE NOW (27×35): prices range from: $300-600. smaller sizes and custom prints available. please email to order now. i feel these photographs of nature heal people and spaces. yes. you may deepen your connection to nature through these images. these gorgeous white velvet, watercolor paper prints will fill any space with love! they also ground a room with their earthy nature. how rare is it to feel comfortable and near the earth— inside a space.
December 10, 2009 - 10:46 pm

hwy pole 69.1
the beautiful complicated web-like shadow below me on the sand in the morning. i was swept…
for more:
today’s winter solstice download: integrating the shadow