April 30, 2011 - 5:35 pm
i designed our (reclaimed fabric) stretchy-denim halter-tunic, the latest download from the natural space… this is only a peek… i am wearing it as a bikini cover-up here… i think the halter tunic has great potential HOWEVER….and will look very HOT— with black, white, dark euro-navy leggings or denim-like leggings!?? steve sewed the prototype for me and added his own creative expression in the form of edging on the halter top…it will be “fraying” at the edges a bit…wondering if this is a good idea? our collaboration is interesting as always…and i am checking out the wear and tear and washability… it may infact be ingenius…and trendy??
…going with the flow and being pleasantly surprised, maintaining curiosity…and LOVE.
i am very excited about this top. it is extremely comfortable with same stretchy denim built-in bra/shelf. you will feel free! —and feel good about your creative and upcycled wardrobe!
order one here:
March 28, 2011 - 11:59 am
japan needs our love. this beautiful graphic designer drew this. i am grateful for her creativity—LOVE… thank you delphine!!!
‘I reacted very quickly to this event as I was in the Pacific and we got a red alert early in the morning.
When I got back home, I came up with the idea and drew this sign spontaneously.
Then I started to spread it to friends via internet and crossed my fingers this universal sign for love and support for Japan would find its way. It was like putting a bottle in the sea.
A big thank you to Claire Boyles, who played a key role by putting me in touch with Darren Leighfield.
I am very happy to have offered my picture to this emergency situation’.
(Delphine Perrot, 11.03.2011)
Make a donation to help support the people of Japan recover from the devastation of the Tsunami by making a donation here:
‘Heart for Japan’
© Design by Delphine Perrot, 2011
May 24, 2010 - 10:33 pm
walking the hills
two douglas fir in the early morning summer fog
if you find yourself wandering a down slope of madrone and oaks on a hot summer day— you might get to witness the spontaneous combustion-like moment of the madrones “peeling”! it is amazing!!!
i heard it— then saw it! i witnessed…
spirit rock meditation center:
March 23, 2010 - 8:16 pm
when a friend introduced me to green juicing in the morning while living at the beach, she suggested i have fat in my stomach before drinking the juice. it sounded right, and i really enjoyed the idea of more than just juice. the surprisingly lovely “pulp salad” a small pile of pulp (green star juicer–the best! twin gear—easier on the veggies, more enzymes, less pulp) leftover from kale, celery, parsley, cucumber,ginger and lemon with sliced avocado, hemps seeds (two good fats and excellent omega profile!) and a sprinkle of himalayan sea salt and squeeze of lemon. delicious and full of fiber—and consuming the “whole food”. i feel very satisfied (and vibrant!) after this meal. i continue to drink green juice with more hemp seeds as i enjoy my pulp! yum! let me know…!
December 10, 2009 - 10:46 pm

hwy pole 69.1
the beautiful complicated web-like shadow below me on the sand in the morning. i was swept…
for more:
today’s winter solstice download: integrating the shadow
August 2, 2009 - 5:47 pm
today i added the special “wake up the goddess-feminine” alchemy… vanilla absolute oil inspires.
i have been moved to experiment with raw chocolate ever since i returned from a 10 day life changing healing at angel farms in pahoa, hawaii.
ever since angel farms (getting “cleaned out”…ascending to a whole new vibration) my taste palette is on a different planet. i still like good dagoba chocolate however now i mostly eat cacao beans and occasionally feel inspired to make raw chocolate or rather download the latest alchemy coming in which includes raw chocolate. my chocolate today was “minimalist mountain”— my first round of chocolate this summer in my pad in the high desert mountains of idaho.
June 10, 2009 - 1:08 pm
super high vibe heaven at high altitude is whats shaking here. krista is about to eat this beautiful salad that ananda just finished channeling…
it really is all good here and another reason to visit ketchum. raw is everywhere. anandas is only here. come be in the flow and enjoy and know patience is part of the process and you will be healed.
akasha 208.726.4777
and to get there you get to float on your way through the other healing vibe of chapter one bookstore where i get my ny times fix on my favorite days(sunday and thursday)(also available everyday) depending on the weather .