March 29, 2014 - 9:47 pm

The film opens with a quote from Céline‘s Journey to the End of the Night: “To travel is very useful, it makes the imagination work, the rest is just delusion and pain. Our journey is entirely imaginary, which is its strength.” from the daily telegraph— “a shimmering coup de cinema”. each scene is a photograph…i couldn’t stop taking iPhone photos sitting in the movie! i was constantly engaging with the film’s beautiful images and emotions…i loved the whole experience! the soundtrack was also perfect… oh and labradors are NOT DUMB…i am sorry…i loved this picture…and he was an imperfect character…just like all of us.
March 28, 2011 - 11:59 am
japan needs our love. this beautiful graphic designer drew this. i am grateful for her creativity—LOVE… thank you delphine!!!
‘I reacted very quickly to this event as I was in the Pacific and we got a red alert early in the morning.
When I got back home, I came up with the idea and drew this sign spontaneously.
Then I started to spread it to friends via internet and crossed my fingers this universal sign for love and support for Japan would find its way. It was like putting a bottle in the sea.
A big thank you to Claire Boyles, who played a key role by putting me in touch with Darren Leighfield.
I am very happy to have offered my picture to this emergency situation’.
(Delphine Perrot, 11.03.2011)
Make a donation to help support the people of Japan recover from the devastation of the Tsunami by making a donation here:
‘Heart for Japan’
© Design by Delphine Perrot, 2011
May 24, 2010 - 10:33 pm
walking the hills
two douglas fir in the early morning summer fog
if you find yourself wandering a down slope of madrone and oaks on a hot summer day— you might get to witness the spontaneous combustion-like moment of the madrones “peeling”! it is amazing!!!
i heard it— then saw it! i witnessed…
spirit rock meditation center:
May 21, 2010 - 8:52 pm
she is taking up all the space isnt’t she…it is the natural space…why not. enjoy her expansive grounding nature… the tatoos?….
this mama madrone is loving them anyway.
November 19, 2009 - 12:25 pm

mystery — (part two)
the iphone camera relationship allows mystery— this is especially wonderful…you never ever know who will show up as you wander through nature…usually it will be exactly who you really need to be there with you at the time for a lovely healing you never expected or even thought you needed…and lots of times i don’t even see who was really there until i get home to my laptop and download my new friends…and finally SEE, oh it was YOU!!!
soo much gratitude tends to flow in in these moments, flowing creativity, connection, love!
July 9, 2009 - 9:34 am
raspberries, raspberry caps (exquisite little black raspberries from water wheel gardens), mango, orange, ginger and apple smoothies for all who happened by at anandas (akasha in ketchum, idaho 208.726.4777) raw bar yesterday. summer in the belly!
June 12, 2009 - 8:13 pm
there is nothing like stinson on a day like this.
the ocean— she can be so mellow, so serene, and then she can be wild and unruly just like the rest of us goddesses!
(the full range of the goddess series…to be continued…)