April 30, 2011 - 11:55 pm

is a lovely thing! i sat down in the one sunny warm spot in point reyes station and found myself exhaling finally… relaxing against the creamy white tongue and groove building wall… i looked up to see these glorious blossoms wishing me a happy morning!
June 18, 2009 - 11:31 pm
thanks to the farm’s greenhouse these cabbages are already half-grown in June.
In this bed they’re mixed with other early greens.
these bush beans got an early start thanks to this beautifully engineered cold frame, one of many.
a cluster of established current bushes held court in the middle of the garden
at the base of a dwarf fruit tree nasturtiums starts are arranged in a circle
the last of the summer’s starts — mixed basil
the June idaho bounty pot-luck dinner at rebecca bundy’s sleeping bison farm— was preceded by a garden/farm tour. idaho bounty is a local organization that supports sustainable agriculture (farmers, ranchers, chefs and market gardeners). www.idahosbounty.org http://www.idahosbounty.org
contributing writer Kate Cartwright is a long-time local artist, astrologer and consummate gardener.