Eloise has been practicing Craniosacral therapy for over 10 years.
and receiving it from her amazing teachers for nearly 30.
She completed her massage training at Esalen Institute in 1999.
Unwind into your joy of being!
please email if you are interested in a session.
More about craniosacral therapy:
Her studio is in downtown Point Reyes
phone: 415.577.1052
I am grateful for the level of profound healing and support Eloise’s bodywork and presence offers me.
Apart from being a highly skilled technician in her field she also embodies an acute sensitivity and intuition.
For me, she is one of those rare healers who always instantly know where and how my body needs touch and connection.
She helps me feel, understand and release patterns held in my physical system so my energy can flow freely.
Her style is earthy, loving and present and I feel very safe in her care—
open to the messages she simply and spaciously allows Guidance to convey to me through her.
After a session with Eloise I feel vibrant, connected throughout my body
and imbued with a deeper knowing of myself.
Thank you Eloise!
Nidhi Rice, Artist/Teacher