more winter scenes— sun valley, idaho

March 23, 2012 - 11:01 am

snow covered trees.

my favorite trail north of ketchum behind the snra— dog friendly  and sooo fun and magical… billy’s bridge is the photo below.  a winter wonderland with some of the best skiing and wide open spaces held by the majestic boulder mountains. definitely wow. :)

the natural space photography show in ketchum, idaho

February 21, 2012 - 12:26 pm

the natural space— photography show in ketchum, idaho from the natural space on Vimeo.

MUSIC: reprise, this land of eldorado, a man called sun

fern-love. it is rather spinal in nature…!

June 2, 2011 - 7:10 pm

new ferns on the ridge on the pacific plate…
unwind into your joy of being!

madrone tree

May 23, 2011 - 12:04 pm


February 11, 2011 - 7:08 pm

lightwork…i saw today on the new trail. sooooo beautyfull. wow. thank you forest-jungle love fest. such a nice visit.

tending the wild*— the conversation continues…

December 7, 2010 - 8:57 pm

i love to imagine i am tending the wild*
through my photo and video moments with nature…
standing with
witnessing these beings
their nervous system

seeing them,
sharing them with others.

or am i just tending* my own wilderness

* ( from m. kat anderson’s revolutionary book tending the wild— native
american knowledge and the management of california’s natural resources

beauty in the backyard

August 1, 2010 - 10:04 pm

princess flowers

molly’s garden is tinkerbell land. inverness, california

princess flowers.2

plant wisdom

June 27, 2010 - 9:44 pm

befreind the mysterybefriend the mystery…

madrone love healing here…tune in she is listening

May 21, 2010 - 8:52 pm

madroneshe is taking up all the space isnt’t she…it is the natural space…why not. enjoy her expansive grounding nature… the tatoos?….
this mama madrone is loving them anyway.

lolita = web 2.0

March 23, 2010 - 9:27 pm

she is perfect. she rocks it. she is the web 2.0 goddess!  
finding, sharing beauty and her truth with all of us. web 2.0 can be such a healing we all are participating in! i love this interconnectivity— i feel more connected… with all of you. i just feel at home, a casa. yes si, gracias. what a trip. i love this beauty. besides being the most beautiful, minmalist blog lolita is inspiring through found photos, stories, fashion introducing amazing photographers on her blog and -sometimes(?)- she uncovers some gorgeous super fab outrageous photographs that come from somewhere like narnia(on the internet)and land in her blog here for us! totally amazing. wow. thanks for sharing lolita!! you are so healing, i love you! 

lola leaveslacelove

lola katekate in her amazingness…boho moment

green juicing…pulp salad! yummmm???

- 8:16 pm

pulpwhen a friend introduced me to green juicing in the morning while living at the beach, she suggested i have fat in my stomach before drinking the juice. it sounded right, and i really enjoyed the idea of more than just juice. the surprisingly lovely “pulp salad”  a small pile of pulp (green star juicer–the best! twin gear—easier on the veggies, more enzymes, less pulp) leftover from kale, celery, parsley, cucumber,ginger and lemon with sliced avocado, hemps seeds (two good fats and excellent omega profile!) and a sprinkle of himalayan sea salt and squeeze of lemon. delicious and full of fiber—and consuming the “whole food”. i feel very satisfied (and vibrant!) after this meal. i continue to drink green juice with more hemp seeds as i enjoy my pulp! yum! let me know…!

more of my pics…

March 14, 2010 - 11:22 pm

stinson on the wallstinson beach, “pulled”

ellie on my walland then i met ellie! and her beautiful, cosmic sculptures…


stinson beach olives winding around love

west of the continental plate…

January 18, 2010 - 12:04 am

perthlichenthick, old, wise manzanita branches reach out along the ridge paths between the young tan bark oaks and bishop pines holding down the landscape. and waiting in stillness for the first big winter storm…


January 2, 2010 - 6:55 pm

oldnewbishop pines    yosemite west    1.1.2010

being with the old today. and slowly integrating the new…

as a four (on the enneagram) i love the old, rustic or primitive…the melancholy of dust, lust, memories. what number are you?: 

winter wandering with native flora

December 28, 2009 - 10:56 pm

huckleberriesetci love the huckleberry bushes, the bishop pine and manzanita nearly blossoming! iphone nature photography. my friend and colleague deb asked me this question today: what is my experience as i connect to nature through my photography? 



as i stand carefully next to the manzanita bush to reach a shot of some lichen,

i am pulled deeply into the moment with these beings.
they are different of course but so joyous.
they ground and celebrate simultaneously.
they are my mentors.

marna clarke— west marin (nature) photographer

December 27, 2009 - 1:45 pm

marna clark barkunfortunately i had to crop this image so this web version does not exactly represent her work, however you probably get the idea…fabulous…i especially love (am seriously blown away by) her “bark” series (this photo(originally):Madrone 2007 #29)— see marna clarke’s beautiful work in january at the bolinas museum: 

“climate instability”— vandana shiva downloads the real deal…

December 15, 2009 - 1:07 pm

    vandanashivaAMY GOODMAN: What is the effect of climate disruption on cultures? 

    VANDANA SHIVA: The most important disruption of climate havoc on cultures is fear. Peaceful communities start becoming scared. For example, this year, as the monsoon failed in India, and its failure was much more extreme than normal droughts, farmers have waited to get a crop, and they haven’t got a crop. They become afraid. 

    Beyond a point, as the water disappears, because your groundwater hasn’t being recharged, your rivers and streams haven’t been recharged, beyond a point, conflicts emerge in local communities, which is why the G-77 constantly refers to Darfur as linked to climate change with the disappearance of water from Lake Chad. 

    AMY GOODMAN: Explain. 

    VANDANA SHIVA: As the rainfall has failed in the sub-Saharan Africa, Lake Chad has shrunk. The communities that used to be supported in a very generous way by that lake are having less and less water. Pastoralists and settled agriculturalists have come in conflict. It so happens they belong to different religion. This has been presented as a religious conflict. It’s really a conflict that emerges from climate change and climate change degradation of already degraded environments. 
    WATCH NOW! on democracy now:

hwy pole 69 series

December 10, 2009 - 10:46 pm

photo cayleeshadow konahwy pole 69.1

the beautiful complicated web-like shadow below me on the sand in the morning. i was swept…

for more:

today’s winter solstice download: integrating the shadow

holiday cacao

December 2, 2009 - 12:13 am

cacao heartfresh sweet cayenne peppers—deseeded, dehydrated, pulverized sprinkled into/onto flowing cacao…becoming queen vanilla, our best selling raw chocolate 4 inch by.5 inch lusciousness with a “hot” finish. divine! please email to place orders for these 4 x .5 cacao queen vanilla bean hearts! plain cacao queen vanilla hearts available too!

pre-solstice lull in west marin

December 1, 2009 - 12:22 am

bishop pines
amanitaamanita— our holiday mushroom showed up today for all to see! she is beautiful!!! and the bishop pines, from down south… santa barbara originally.

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