March 23, 2012 - 11:01 am

snow covered trees.

my favorite trail north of ketchum behind the snra— dog friendly and sooo fun and magical… billy’s bridge is the photo below. a winter wonderland with some of the best skiing and wide open spaces held by the majestic boulder mountains. definitely wow. 

March 15, 2012 - 4:39 pm

the intuitive space is a new intuitive/energy school in sausalito, california.
erica’s classes are launching the school’s exciting curriculum!
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energy meditation class
offered twice:
monday evenings , march 19-april 9, 6:30-8:30 pm
pachamama alliance conference room, presidio building 1009
saturday march 24, 2-5 pm & sunday, march 25, 2-4pm, sausalito
sharing simple techniques using intention, visualization and sense to develop personal energetic awareness and discernment. used for self-inquiry and to change patterns, as well as to deepen your relationship to yourself, the earth, and all things nourishing. The techniques contribute to creativity, health, focus, peace, safety, and empowerment.
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healing and intuitive training
3 monday evenings per month, april 23—dec 17, 6:30-8:30pm
developing meditation, intuition, and healing skills for your own self-knowledge & self-care and for helping others in their growth and healing. we cover energy reading & healing techniques; the chakras, aura, and astral body; guides, karma, kundalini and creativity; boundaries, protection, clearing and embodiment. prerequisite: energy meditation class.
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practical, tangible, and fun!
. . . ., 415.380.0648, 415.595.8525
February 21, 2012 - 12:26 pm
the natural space— photography show in ketchum, idaho from the natural space on Vimeo.
MUSIC: reprise, this land of eldorado, a man called sun
December 11, 2011 - 7:22 pm
a jaunt along where the continental plate nudges (or leans heavily into or pushes down deep? and lifts towards the sky?) the pacific plate where flirty inverness(‘inwardness’) and wayward bolinas sing along the revealed horizon.
May 23, 2011 - 5:54 pm
the natural space was inspired here…
a black and white photograph of this exact view originally represented “the natural space”
encouraging, nudging the world towards love and nature…
and as i was videoing this outrageously gorgeous moment i found myself
overwhelmed by the beauty, and fell back into love…
befriend the mystery.
big sur, california 2011
April 30, 2011 - 11:55 pm

is a lovely thing! i sat down in the one sunny warm spot in point reyes station and found myself exhaling finally… relaxing against the creamy white tongue and groove building wall… i looked up to see these glorious blossoms wishing me a happy morning!
- 5:35 pm
i designed our (reclaimed fabric) stretchy-denim halter-tunic, the latest download from the natural space… this is only a peek… i am wearing it as a bikini cover-up here… i think the halter tunic has great potential HOWEVER….and will look very HOT— with black, white, dark euro-navy leggings or denim-like leggings!?? steve sewed the prototype for me and added his own creative expression in the form of edging on the halter top…it will be “fraying” at the edges a bit…wondering if this is a good idea? our collaboration is interesting as always…and i am checking out the wear and tear and washability… it may infact be ingenius…and trendy??
…going with the flow and being pleasantly surprised, maintaining curiosity…and LOVE.
i am very excited about this top. it is extremely comfortable with same stretchy denim built-in bra/shelf. you will feel free! —and feel good about your creative and upcycled wardrobe!
order one here:
April 29, 2011 - 7:06 pm

found these in my piles of photos on my computer today…they spoke to me….the fluid nature of california in the shapes of the landscape.
the layers… the textures. the sensuous
t h e u n d u l a t i n g h i l l s of w e s t m a r i n…
March 5, 2011 - 11:51 pm

i reconnected with her on my dad’s desk tonight. i forgot… it really helps me see this is really who i have always been.
February 22, 2011 - 9:39 pm

madrone, a true light-worker in the winter on the ridge…
February 11, 2011 - 7:08 pm

lightwork…i saw today on the new trail. sooooo beautyfull. wow. thank you forest-jungle love fest. such a nice visit.
August 3, 2010 - 9:52 pm
green-yellow juice: kale, cucumber,parsley, tumeric root, ginger, lemon and valencia orange. wake up and live!
august is green juice feasting time for me. miracles happen as we cleanse our shining selves. last summer i did 10 days of juicing and had a spiritual(?) awakening— suddenly, i had to go vegan— i could not eat animals anymore. no more chevre i realized. i was shocked by my decision. my nervous system knew the truth, but my personality was sad i wouldn’t be eating chevre in provence anymore. near the end of the 10 days of green juicing last summer i drove across nevada and over to mendocino and attended the “vibrant living conference” at living light culinary school (where i had gone to raw chef school a few years earlier) i met will tuttle and john robbins and in a very non dogmatic way they both answered my question about why they were vegans. they chose not to commodify animals. animals are sentient beings just like us. it was pretty simple to me. i wasn’t going to eat my friends— my fellow sentient beings. i wanted to be free. i feel heavy…and alive when i talk about this. it is very real. i wish we would all be vegan and let the animals be. my friend says all animals will be free by 2020. i wish it was sooner.
and if you want more tips/info on how to successfully green juice fast/feast—please leave a comment here and i will email you.
(i omit the valencia orange —no fruit sugar in green juice while fasting)
August 1, 2010 - 10:04 pm

molly’s garden is tinkerbell land. inverness, california

June 20, 2010 - 9:48 am

our recycled denim el bag is beautiful!!! i love this denim! it is the most perfect euro navy dark. love!!! the selvedge at the opening is stunningly cool.
see more el bags—
yes the selvedge…wow! i love it. the edge that never unravels…so beautiful!
i have to have one!!
to order your recycled denim el bag— email:
95 dollars + shipping
May 24, 2010 - 10:33 pm
walking the hills
two douglas fir in the early morning summer fog
if you find yourself wandering a down slope of madrone and oaks on a hot summer day— you might get to witness the spontaneous combustion-like moment of the madrones “peeling”! it is amazing!!!
i heard it— then saw it! i witnessed…
spirit rock meditation center:
May 7, 2010 - 11:00 am
el bag.
our goddess riikka is so gracious to pose for me wearing her new el bag— in our fave spot— good earth’s produce section. i find myself there often… grounding into the fresh, alive organized beauty of this lovely space.
“let us call it translating…” vincent van gogh wrote in a letter to his brother theo from st remy, france (where I also found my favorite linen blouses 116 years later),—regarding painting his version of “the sower”, a well known painting at the time by Millet. I decided to ‘translate’ the “el bag” after falling in love with a similar denim bag at my friend louesa’s shop, august, in oakland, ca.
my new denim bag attracted attention… and I loved the casual hippy energy it carried… and I had an idea.
coincidentally, my boyfriend steve (a thriftstore denizen) seemed to be getting more serious about his sewing habit, finding (collecting) sewing machines, fabric and experience through craigslist, thrift stores, word of mouth, (his friend stanley’s 93 year old mother).
steve prefers vintage Singer brand sewing machines (both born in New Jersey).
though the original bag was denim, steve convinced me I should consider other fabrics he had collected…the most perfect grey/pale pink tweed, a faded denim, a unique beige camouflage— all with a revealed “selvedge” —the finished edge of a bolt of cloth—usually decorative in nature.
everything about the el bag is found, reused, recycled .
To buy call— 415.577.1052
or email me:
April 8, 2010 - 9:01 pm
i continue to study craniosacral therapy with hugh milne. he is one of my favorite humans. if you are ready to grow, go deep and see, be seen by this wonderful healing man, hugh milne. he sees you clearly. he is quite amazing, yet not a guru, for sure a shaman,an artist, a brilliant teacher, healer, lover, grounded story teller. to be in his space is a healing. thank you, hugh!
the heart of listening— hugh’s book in 2 volumes for every bodyworker, practitioner of life!
March 20, 2010 - 5:50 pm
pink stinson beach moment
looking west from the pacific plate
surfing the edges
December 28, 2009 - 10:56 pm
i love the huckleberry bushes, the bishop pine and manzanita nearly blossoming! iphone nature photography. my friend and colleague deb asked me this question today: what is my experience as i connect to nature through my photography?
as i stand carefully next to the manzanita bush to reach a shot of some lichen,
i am pulled deeply into the moment with these beings.
they are different of course but so joyous.
they ground and celebrate simultaneously.
they are my mentors.