May 7, 2010 - 11:00 am
el bag.
our goddess riikka is so gracious to pose for me wearing her new el bag— in our fave spot— good earth’s produce section. i find myself there often… grounding into the fresh, alive organized beauty of this lovely space.
“let us call it translating…” vincent van gogh wrote in a letter to his brother theo from st remy, france (where I also found my favorite linen blouses 116 years later),—regarding painting his version of “the sower”, a well known painting at the time by Millet. I decided to ‘translate’ the “el bag” after falling in love with a similar denim bag at my friend louesa’s shop, august, in oakland, ca.
my new denim bag attracted attention… and I loved the casual hippy energy it carried… and I had an idea.
coincidentally, my boyfriend steve (a thriftstore denizen) seemed to be getting more serious about his sewing habit, finding (collecting) sewing machines, fabric and experience through craigslist, thrift stores, word of mouth, (his friend stanley’s 93 year old mother).
steve prefers vintage Singer brand sewing machines (both born in New Jersey).
though the original bag was denim, steve convinced me I should consider other fabrics he had collected…the most perfect grey/pale pink tweed, a faded denim, a unique beige camouflage— all with a revealed “selvedge” —the finished edge of a bolt of cloth—usually decorative in nature.
everything about the el bag is found, reused, recycled .
To buy call— 415.577.1052
or email me:
March 23, 2010 - 8:16 pm
when a friend introduced me to green juicing in the morning while living at the beach, she suggested i have fat in my stomach before drinking the juice. it sounded right, and i really enjoyed the idea of more than just juice. the surprisingly lovely “pulp salad” a small pile of pulp (green star juicer–the best! twin gear—easier on the veggies, more enzymes, less pulp) leftover from kale, celery, parsley, cucumber,ginger and lemon with sliced avocado, hemps seeds (two good fats and excellent omega profile!) and a sprinkle of himalayan sea salt and squeeze of lemon. delicious and full of fiber—and consuming the “whole food”. i feel very satisfied (and vibrant!) after this meal. i continue to drink green juice with more hemp seeds as i enjoy my pulp! yum! let me know…!
December 28, 2009 - 10:56 pm
i love the huckleberry bushes, the bishop pine and manzanita nearly blossoming! iphone nature photography. my friend and colleague deb asked me this question today: what is my experience as i connect to nature through my photography?
as i stand carefully next to the manzanita bush to reach a shot of some lichen,
i am pulled deeply into the moment with these beings.
they are different of course but so joyous.
they ground and celebrate simultaneously.
they are my mentors.
December 2, 2009 - 12:13 am
fresh sweet cayenne peppers—deseeded, dehydrated, pulverized sprinkled into/onto flowing cacao…becoming queen vanilla, our best selling raw chocolate 4 inch by.5 inch lusciousness with a “hot” finish. divine! please email to place orders for these 4 x .5 cacao queen vanilla bean hearts! plain cacao queen vanilla hearts available too!
August 2, 2009 - 5:47 pm
today i added the special “wake up the goddess-feminine” alchemy… vanilla absolute oil inspires.
i have been moved to experiment with raw chocolate ever since i returned from a 10 day life changing healing at angel farms in pahoa, hawaii.
ever since angel farms (getting “cleaned out”…ascending to a whole new vibration) my taste palette is on a different planet. i still like good dagoba chocolate however now i mostly eat cacao beans and occasionally feel inspired to make raw chocolate or rather download the latest alchemy coming in which includes raw chocolate. my chocolate today was “minimalist mountain”— my first round of chocolate this summer in my pad in the high desert mountains of idaho.
- 4:54 pm
there is almost nothing as wonderful as fresh, frothy, delicious almond milk.
and how to make almond milk:
July 9, 2009 - 9:34 am
raspberries, raspberry caps (exquisite little black raspberries from water wheel gardens), mango, orange, ginger and apple smoothies for all who happened by at anandas (akasha in ketchum, idaho 208.726.4777) raw bar yesterday. summer in the belly!
June 27, 2009 - 11:41 am
shazzie totally inspires the universe.
she wrote naked chocolate with david wolfe.
she says “daft”.
i love her!
June 26, 2009 - 10:21 pm
lets dance lets shout
snacks. being with liz, akim and adam is like being in france— in the oakland hills when michael jackson died.
liz and adam
first chakra (in liz’s kitchen)
mine has been on vacation…checking out a bit. maybe just time to chill and allow and unwind…
lie on the earth.
sleep outside.
its summer!
June 18, 2009 - 11:31 pm
thanks to the farm’s greenhouse these cabbages are already half-grown in June.
In this bed they’re mixed with other early greens.
these bush beans got an early start thanks to this beautifully engineered cold frame, one of many.
a cluster of established current bushes held court in the middle of the garden
at the base of a dwarf fruit tree nasturtiums starts are arranged in a circle
the last of the summer’s starts — mixed basil
the June idaho bounty pot-luck dinner at rebecca bundy’s sleeping bison farm— was preceded by a garden/farm tour. idaho bounty is a local organization that supports sustainable agriculture (farmers, ranchers, chefs and market gardeners).
contributing writer Kate Cartwright is a long-time local artist, astrologer and consummate gardener.
- 1:58 pm
garlic “scapes” from theresa strolberg’s farm in buhl, idaho. not only are the garlic fronds gorgeous— they are delicious in salads, soups, etc…and theresa noted as you cut them for your salad, keep the loops intact— your meal will be even more beautiful!
tony evans just facebooked me and added a whole new dimension…
June 10, 2009 - 1:08 pm
super high vibe heaven at high altitude is whats shaking here. krista is about to eat this beautiful salad that ananda just finished channeling…
it really is all good here and another reason to visit ketchum. raw is everywhere. anandas is only here. come be in the flow and enjoy and know patience is part of the process and you will be healed.
akasha 208.726.4777
and to get there you get to float on your way through the other healing vibe of chapter one bookstore where i get my ny times fix on my favorite days(sunday and thursday)(also available everyday) depending on the weather .