April 30, 2011 - 11:55 pm

is a lovely thing! i sat down in the one sunny warm spot in point reyes station and found myself exhaling finally… relaxing against the creamy white tongue and groove building wall… i looked up to see these glorious blossoms wishing me a happy morning!
April 8, 2010 - 9:01 pm
i continue to study craniosacral therapy with hugh milne. he is one of my favorite humans. if you are ready to grow, go deep and see, be seen by this wonderful healing man, hugh milne. he sees you clearly. he is quite amazing, yet not a guru, for sure a shaman,an artist, a brilliant teacher, healer, lover, grounded story teller. to be in his space is a healing. thank you, hugh!
the heart of listening— hugh’s book in 2 volumes for every bodyworker, practitioner of life!