March 28, 2011 - 7:52 pm
art in nature continues… here on inverness ridge it is always changing and interaction is encouraged… community exists like this. we all want to participate and share our selves. in nature it happens slowly and only occasionally when you slowdown to notice the manzanita leaves are waving at you…
- 11:59 am
japan needs our love. this beautiful graphic designer drew this. i am grateful for her creativity—LOVE… thank you delphine!!!
‘I reacted very quickly to this event as I was in the Pacific and we got a red alert early in the morning.
When I got back home, I came up with the idea and drew this sign spontaneously.
Then I started to spread it to friends via internet and crossed my fingers this universal sign for love and support for Japan would find its way. It was like putting a bottle in the sea.
A big thank you to Claire Boyles, who played a key role by putting me in touch with Darren Leighfield.
I am very happy to have offered my picture to this emergency situation’.
(Delphine Perrot, 11.03.2011)
Make a donation to help support the people of Japan recover from the devastation of the Tsunami by making a donation here:
‘Heart for Japan’
© Design by Delphine Perrot, 2011
March 5, 2011 - 11:51 pm

i reconnected with her on my dad’s desk tonight. i forgot… it really helps me see this is really who i have always been.