April 22, 2010 - 11:08 pm

our mama earth— she is a beauty! every day is earth day and thats our practice, our right livelihood. and its not easy. just to be grounded on this earth is a big commitment….especially these days. i think our earth loves when we find the time to ground into her and invite her energy to support us. she needs the engagement as much as we do! ?? happy earth!!
April 9, 2010 - 4:01 pm

from parabola magazine, winter 2009
richard whittaker talks with nipun mehta
At Nipun’s suggestion, before speaking we meditated for a half hour in the beautiful still space as sunlight streamed through the windows.
Sitting there quietly, I realized how grateful I felt to have met Nipun, not only because of his own remarkable spirit, but because through him I’ve seen there are countless young people with a deep wish, in Gandhi’s words, to be the change they wish to see. —richard whittaker
(an excerpt)
NM: Right. There’s no context to frame whether or not it’s trustworthy, particularly in the kind of community we now live in. What we can do, on a personal level, is these small acts of trust that ultimately will create the field for deeper change. At a systemic level, we have to bring all these small pieces together, which the Internet is really capable of doing. And at an even more meta-level, on a societal level, what we need to do is birth what I call “generosity entrepreneurs.” Those are people who have an entrepreneurial mindset of creating something new, but they are doing it in the spirit of the gift economy.
We have think tanks in the world. They say, “Richard, you’re a really smart person. We’ll give you food, shelter, clothing, office space. You just do whatever you want to.” There are many think tanks that do just that. What about love tanks?
What about experiments in generosity? What about people who will say, I just want to give for the love of it? Why are those people working in the lowest rungs of our institutions? “Oh, nice guy.” But that’s about it. We just don’t know how to capitalize on that compassion quotient and we ought to learn that sooner rather than later. This is what I see “generosity entrepreneurs” doing.
RW: Have you talked with anyone about this?
NM: I have talked with some friends about this, yes indeed. I do think we need a laboratory of compassion. When the time is right, it will germinate. The way I go about things is not to say, here is a proposal. Here’s how you do it. I have an implicit faith in the self-organizing ways of the universe, that whenever it is time for this kind of a love-tank to be birthed, for a cadre of generosity entrepreneurs to bring out this gift economy in its full majesty, then something will happen. Someone’s cup somewhere will overflow and it will have just the right ingredients to create this kind of a movement.
continued here:
April 8, 2010 - 9:01 pm
i continue to study craniosacral therapy with hugh milne. he is one of my favorite humans. if you are ready to grow, go deep and see, be seen by this wonderful healing man, hugh milne. he sees you clearly. he is quite amazing, yet not a guru, for sure a shaman,an artist, a brilliant teacher, healer, lover, grounded story teller. to be in his space is a healing. thank you, hugh!
the heart of listening— hugh’s book in 2 volumes for every bodyworker, practitioner of life!
- 8:26 pm
many of us have been following karen’s posts. she documents her experience and translation of the changes going on around here! she has helped me understand this transition time and to sit with and be patient. things, they are a shifting! link is below:
and you can donate to emerging angels to support karen’s work.