July 23, 2009 - 2:33 pm

the natural space physical space in fairfax, california was an amazing opportunity to create simple natural spaces with community and for community. photographs of ellie haga sculptures in top two photos.

July 22, 2009 - 9:12 pm

bull kelp borrowed from the beach in northern california…as an(temporary) installation in the former natural space physical space in fairfax, california near frogs.
and kelp hangers?? ott?
July 19, 2009 - 11:03 pm

fox creek loop, ketchum, idaho, july 2009
…Mallow is fire resistant, sprouting after topkill from surviving root crowns or horizontal rhizomes. Having its roots buried in mineral soil enables it to escape the heat of surface fires. Mallow stands often owe their existence to logging or fires. The species is an obligate pioneer that increases and grows rapidly following disturbances…
July 13, 2009 - 1:30 pm

glacial erratics— my new friends— these huge rocks sitting in the midst of it all scattered down the slopes of the sawtooths. big rock spirits holding down the earth…they are beautiful and i love being around them.
they are deviants.
(deviant, (2.noun) —a person or thing that deviates or departs from the excepted norm)
July 9, 2009 - 9:42 am

these photos found on danken blog(thank you!):
- 9:34 am
raspberries, raspberry caps (exquisite little black raspberries from water wheel gardens), mango, orange, ginger and apple smoothies for all who happened by at anandas (akasha in ketchum, idaho 208.726.4777) raw bar yesterday. summer in the belly!
July 1, 2009 - 2:49 pm

I am in mourning
For your face
The one I used to love
To see
Leaping, glowing
Upon the
The stage
The mike
In your
I am in mourning
For your face
The shining eyes
The happy teeth
The look that said
I am the world
And aren’t you
Not to mention
In luck.
I am in mourning
The sweet brown innocence
Of your skin
Your perfect nose
The shy smile
That lit you
Like a light.
I am in mourning
For a face
The Universe
In its goodness
Makes but once
and smiles
And sends it out
To spread great joy
Itself well pleased.
I am in mourning
For your beloved face
So thoroughly
And undeservedly
Oh, my pretty little
Brother. Genius. Child.
Sing to us. Dance.
Rest in peace.
© 1991 by Alice Walker
photo by Vaschelle Andre