July 9, 2009 - 9:34 am
raspberries, raspberry caps (exquisite little black raspberries from water wheel gardens), mango, orange, ginger and apple smoothies for all who happened by at anandas (akasha in ketchum, idaho 208.726.4777) raw bar yesterday. summer in the belly!
June 18, 2009 - 11:31 pm
thanks to the farm’s greenhouse these cabbages are already half-grown in June.
In this bed they’re mixed with other early greens.
these bush beans got an early start thanks to this beautifully engineered cold frame, one of many.
a cluster of established current bushes held court in the middle of the garden
at the base of a dwarf fruit tree nasturtiums starts are arranged in a circle
the last of the summer’s starts — mixed basil
the June idaho bounty pot-luck dinner at rebecca bundy’s sleeping bison farm— was preceded by a garden/farm tour. idaho bounty is a local organization that supports sustainable agriculture (farmers, ranchers, chefs and market gardeners).
contributing writer Kate Cartwright is a long-time local artist, astrologer and consummate gardener.
June 13, 2009 - 12:43 pm
ric lum always has a download…today in the rain after a cup of black coffee at the coffee grinder in ketchum,idaho (he only has “fou fou” coffee at cafe fanny in bezerkeley)(read:the writings of agnes martin— less is less…?)
ric is an artist in every moment of his life. at this moment he is working on delicious revolution and is always up to something yummy and beautiful.
he lives in ketchum, idaho this summer.
ric’s summer reading list so far:
1. walker evans (bio)—currently reading— from the ketchum community library
2. heaven and hell, aldous huxley, first edition,—early psychotropics. LSD and perception.”still relevant for the newbies”—found at the “blackcat bookstore” in truth or consequences, new mexico.
3. zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, first edition
4. slow food, carlo petrini
5. thinking architecture, peter zumthor— winner of the 2009 priztker prize
6. writings of agnes martin
7. interviews with richard serra
8. the writings of ad reinhardt
9. ratio, cookbook